ChilePork is a sectorial brand whose objective is to promote Chilean pork in the Asian market. Since its beginnings it sought out long-term commercial bonds, adapting to the requirements of its clients.
The representatives of the ChilePork companies informed the journalists of the main reasons why it continues to serve as a permanent provider in the Japanese market.
AASA, Agrosuper, Coexca, and Maxagro told their stories regarding the characteristics of the national pork industry, highlighting animal welfare, food safety, taste, and the permanent commitment that characterizes us as ChilePork companies.
They highlighted that animal welfare is an important pillar to ensure competitiveness. The high biosafety standards have allowed the sector and the country to be free of exotic diseases, of course, under the coordinated works of the national sanitary authority, SAG, which is constantly monitoring and controlling health practices, allowing the production of healthy animals and food safe products.
Additionally, they mentioned food safety, which in the case of ChilePork is the result of the Integrated Heath and Food Safety Program, which is applied throughout the entire productive chain, and which is permanently being perfected. The taste of the meat certainly plays an important role, so the genetics and nutrition of Chilean pork allows it to be tasty and juicy.
Finally, Juan Miguel Ovalle, the President of ChilePork, mentioned that, “ChilePork has maintained its commitment to be a reliable partner, and there is no doubting the main reasons to prefer it because it is the best option”.
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