ChilePork representatives participating in the international promotional event Chile Week China 2017 have been following an active schedule of meetings, visits and activities.
ChilePork has played a notable role in Chile Week China 2017, generating a high level of interest among journalists who wish to learn more about the production of Chilean pork and its successful exportation and sale in China, which is currently the main market for our country’s pork exports.
ChilePork organized a visit for journalists to the frozen food market in Beijing along with representatives of one of the main companies that exports to China, Agrosuper.
During the tour, Agrosuper’s China Office Manager, Alejandro Cuevas, explained how important China is to Chile’s pork industry because of the great potential of this market. He noted that Chilean pork is highly valued there because of its food safety, quality and organoleptic qualities.
Alejandro Cuevas added that Agrosuper has developed a long-term strategy in China that prioritizes a close, ongoing relationship with clients, creating trust based on its business style and the provision of high quality, safe products.
For his part, ChilePork President Juan Carlos Domínguez noted that the pork export industry follows government programs that guarantee animal health, food safety and the quality of all of the processes, which has allowed it to position itself as a world class exporter.
China values the fact that ChilePork meat comes from integrated production systems that guarantee product quality and safety.
ChilePork later joined the Chile Week delegation to tour the facilities of JD Corporate, a leading electronics retailer in China. After the visit, ProChile Director Alejandro Buvinic reported that his organization and the company have agreed to hold a Chile Day in January with the participation of national sectorial brands for an audience of 250 million active Chinese clients.
Sources: ChilePork and ProChile
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